============================================================================== Title : Func Map Jam 4 - Low Gravity Runic Date : 1st February 2015 Zip File : func_mapjam3.zip Authors : FifthElephant, Rapowke Notes : No skill select level available, manually load maps All source maps are provided under source folder Additional text files are in the docs folder ============================================================================== Installation * Create a new folder called "jam4" in your Quake folder * Copy the Zip file into the new folder * Extract the contents of the zip file * Create a shortcut to your preferred Quake engine * Add the following to the command line -heapsize 65536 -game jam4 +map start * Run the shortcut (click icon) and make sure the engine loads * After the start map has loaded set the skill level manually * Bring down the console using the '~' key * type 'skill 1' at the console (0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=nightmare) * type 'map' followed by the relevant map name (see list below) * Not all maps support multiple skill levels * All maps will exit to the start map when finished * Please check the docs folder for further readme files ============================================================================== Authors Map name FifthElephant jam4_fifth Rapowke jam4_rapowke ============================================================================== copyright: The source map file is in the zip file for viewing pleasure. Please do not use any of these assets in ANY COMMERCIAL PROJECT. Remember to give credit if you use any of the assets. engine: Designed and tested to work with the following engines: FitzQuake Mark V (http://celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=60831) QuakeSpasm 0.90 (http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net/) ============================================================================== Distribution / Copyright / Permissions Quake is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. These MAPS may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS MOD/MAP TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ==============================================================================